How aspiring influencers can attract more brand deals
Becoming attractive to brands isn’t just about having a polished bio or a fancy media pack. Sure, they help (a little), but there are deeper things to consider as an aspiring influencer looking to get more brand partnerships.

Why collaboration is important to creativity - and invaluable to the self - in a shifting digital world
However much value you put on the brute-force power of “Just work hard”, don’t underestimate the power of open conversation and human collaboration to get you to the same place more intact.

4 common but avoidable influencer marketing mistakes
When brands get influencer marketing right, it can take them and their products into a whole new dimension of success. However, if brands get influencer marketing wrong, it can burn the very bridges they wanted to cross. Here are the top 4 mistakes to avoid.

Why the UK government should embrace influencers in press briefings (but do so with thoughtful strategy)
We turn to influencers to help us cut through the content clutter; to help us make sense of what information should be important to us, and to help us affect action. The political establishment should take note.

Brands: How to be authentic
But while ‘brand authenticity’ is one of the current industry buzzphrases, it isn’t a complex or groundbreaking idea. It’s simply a conscious decision to be more honest with customers and audiences.