Hot tubs, casinos, ASMR, and How to break Twitch in 80 days - The Influencer trend report
“Sexually suggestive content”, clever loopholes, gambling, and otters. The rapid rise of two distinct content types has flared up debate around the morality of Twitch, but can also teach us a lot about the streaming platform’s complex ecosystem and deeper culture.

How to measure the success of YouTube Influencer marketing campaigns
Measuring YouTube influencer marketing is unlike on any other social platform. To have long-term success with YouTube influencer marketing, brands need to use all of the tools available to them.

Beyond the vanity metrics: 4 important ways to measure success in influencer marketing campaigns
Thousands of likes and comments feels good, but those alone don't provide the information you need to work out the true costs and benefits of your campaigns.

Why data is so important for influencer marketing success
At Fourth Floor, we use data to research and discover new angles of audience connection, finding new in-roads to relevant demographics that allow us to uncover new, valuable audiences for our clients.

The secrets of TikTok success, explained in under two minutes
TikTok success can seem bewildering, given how the short-form video platform’s swift arrival and rapid growth has left many running to catch up. But here’s everything you need to know, in one neat, straightforward video.