Xbox, Activision Blizzard, Sony, and Bungie: What it says about the new frontier of the pop culture wars
Why did Sony buy Destiny 2 developer Bungie? And what does that deal say about the changing shape of the games market and pop culture overall?

Gamers left deflated by messy PS5 and Xbox Series X launch, but Series S ignites new excitement
The PS5 and Xbox Series X have been hamstrung by scalpers, stock shortages, and games that failed to sparkle. But audience sentiment data reveals the Series S is changing the way people look at new consoles.

PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S launch this week. Here are our predictions for next-gen
The new PS5 and Xbox Series X/S are out in the wild this week. But how will they both fare? Here are Fourth Floor's collective predictions for the shape of next-gen.

On the eve of next-gen, the strong but traditional PS5 faces an Xbox turning gaming upside down
As our study of audience data and insight concludes, PS5's massive hype-train still has a long race to run against Xbox's innovative new long-term thinking.

How Sony broke records with its PS5 games reveal, while Xbox Series X struggled to maintain hype
Our study of the audience insights and content data around the next-gen console war finally sees PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X go toe-to-toe with their flagship games. Two line-ups, two very different outcomes.

How Xbox took the next-gen console lead (before a fake game saw PS5 dominate)
The definitive data study into the PS5 vs. Xbox Series X battle continues. This time, the audience insights reveal who won the most hearts and minds during the first big next-gen games reveal.

How Sony won the early next-gen gaming race (and how Microsoft caught up fast)
With the next generation of console gaming launching soon, we’ve produced the definitive data study into PS5 vs. Xbox Series X, loaded with insights into the success (or not) of their marketing so far.

The PS5 - and its first games - have now been revealed. Here’s what we think so far
Last night’s PS5 reveal was as big a deal as it gets in gaming, as the current console market leader laid the foundations of the hardware and software that will shape the next generation. So what did we think?