Why (and how) Fourth Floor planted a new woodland - and why you should too
Fourth Flora? Engelbirch Lumberdink? We still haven’t worked out a name, but we have now successfully reforested a quarter-acre of south-west countryside, working alongside the brilliant Co-forest woodland regeneration project.

Why collaboration is important to creativity - and invaluable to the self - in a shifting digital world
However much value you put on the brute-force power of “Just work hard”, don’t underestimate the power of open conversation and human collaboration to get you to the same place more intact.

How we’re using the new Covid Supervisor role to (safely) return to live-action production work
For anybody who works in production, risk and risk mitigation are at the forefront of the job. So Covid-19, as alien as it first seemed, was another challenge to be tackled head on. Here’s how we’re getting back to the production work we love, but doing it safely.

5 wellbeing tips for balancing the demands of content creation with healthy self-care
Content creation as a lifestyle and profession is certainly not without its benefits. But it's also a lot to manage. Here are some topline tips for keeping track of personal wellbeing amid all the demands, and some avenues to explore when you don't.

Fourth Floor are now the proud owners of a woodland habitat
Sadly, UK woodlands have declined over the years, and that in mind, we wanted to do our bit. So Fourth Floor have teamed up with Co-forest, to sponsor a 1/4 acre of future woodland in our area.

How mental health first-aid training can empower a company's wellbeing
Every company has first-aiders. It just makes sense that someone in an office can immediately respond to injury or ill health. So it’s only logical to have mental health first aid facilities too. Here’s how and why we do it at Fourth Floor.

Communication, culture, and the new normal: How Fourth Floor are adapting to thrive while working from home
As lockdown continues, we are all trying our best to get used to a new kind of normal. At Fourth Floor, we’re evolving our culture to even better support our business and collective wellbeing.